
The subway in Pyramid City runs from the inner city to the outer limits. To win this game, you’ll need to identify the three stops an express train will make on its route. The answers are hidden in the video below. The daily clues will tell you where.

How To Play

The videos are full of information, but not all of it useful. Your goal is to eliminate the stations shown on the map — until just three remain AND you know the order they’ll be visited.


Click the thumbnails below to view video clues.

For the best game experience, start at the beginning and solve the clues in order.

Name the stations.

When you’ve solve all of this month’s puzzles, you should be able to unlock this video. The answer is 3 station names written in lowercase, with no spaces, in a specific order.


Frequently Asked Questions

I’m stuck. Can I get help?
We don’t provide additional hints by email, but everything you need to solve this game is shown in the videos.

Why isn’t my password working?
This month, the final password is lowercase, with no spaces. Check to make sure your caps lock is off.

Why does a video say I’m locked out?
Entering too many incorrect tries (10+) in a short period of time may lock out your device or IP address for an hour. You can try a different device, or wait an hour and try again.

When do you release the answers?
The only way to learn the answers is by solving the puzzles.